We at Beauty Tings By Ash understand that situations may arise, leading to a cancelled appointment. We kindly request a minimum of 24 hours’ notice for cancellations or rescheduling. Failure to provide an adequate notice may result in a cancellation fee. Cancellation fees can be paid online, over the phone, or in person before booking a new appointment. For an appointment cancelled less than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time, a cancellation fee of 50% of ALL services booked. This fee covers the time reserved for the esthetician as well as the impact on scheduling. Clients who wish to reschedule their appointment must do so within 24 hours of their original appointment time to avoid cancellation fees.
As the professional, you can decide the price, if applicable, and time frame of when the appointment should be cancelled.
A no-show occurs when a client misses their scheduled appointment without providing any prior notice. After three no-show appointments, you may be required to prepay for future appointments or may be banned from booking with us. We at Beauty Tings By Ash understand that circumstances do arise that may cause you to miss your appointment without any prior communication. No-shows may be subject to payment of 100% of the reserved service amount.
To Cancel/ Reschedule please give a 24 hour notice to avoid any charges. Cancelling before 24 hours may result in a non refundable deposit/ 50% charge of all services booked. You are allowed one reschedule date.
No shows will be charged 50% of all services book and required to pay in FULL for future services or risk being banned from booking future services.
Please be on time and respect my 6 minute grace period, if your not in the servicing area by your grace period time you risk forfeiting your time slot and you will need to reschedule.